Update Mapbender to a newer Version

To update Mapbender you have to do the following steps:

  • Get the new version from https://mapbender.org/builds/.

  • Save your configuration files (parameters.yml for versions < 4.0.0 respectively .env.local for >= 4.0.0, and the files from the folder config/packages) and your old Mapbender version (files and database).

  • Replace the old with the new Mapbender files.

  • Merge your configuration files (check for new parameters and changes).


If you are migrating to Mapbender version 4, please read the note in the migration guide before upgrading the database!

  • Update your Mapbender database.

  • Copy the screenshots from your old Mapbender version from /public/uploads/ (web/uploads for < 4.0.0) to the folder /public/uploads of your new installation.

  • Templates: If you are using your own template, you have to compare your scripts with the new scripts (are there any changes?).

  • Print templates: If you use your own print templates, copy them back to config/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/.

  • Import the demo applications; either via bin/composer run reimport-example-apps or via the web administration.

  • At Unpack and register to web server, you can see how the config file for the Apache Alias should look like.

And that’s all! Have a look at your new Mapbender version.


Please follow the migration instructions on specific Mapbender versions, see the Migration Guide.

Update Example for Linux

Have a look at the steps as commands

# Download the new version
wget http://mapbender.org/builds/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz /tmp/build_mapbender/
tar xfz /tmp/build_mapbender/mapbender-starter-current.tar.gz

# save the old version
mv /var/www/mapbender /var/www/mapbender_save

# get the code of the new version
cp -R /tmp/build_mapbender/mapbender-starter-v4.0.0 /var/www/
mv /var/www/mapbender-starter-v4.0.0 /var/www/mapbender

# transfer your old configuration information to the new version
# transfer the information from config/parameters.yml to .env.local resp. /config/parameters.yaml
# transfer the information from old config.yml to  /var/www/mapbender/config/packages/doctrine.yaml

# manual step
# merge parameters.yaml, doctrine.yaml and other YAML files you use
# if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender/public/uploads
# if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version
# if you use your own print templates: copy them back to config/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/

# change the accessrights and owner of the files
sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender
sudo chown -R :www-data /var/www/mapbender

# Update your Mapbender database
cd /var/www/mapbender/
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --complete --dump-sql
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --complete --force

# Import the mapbender demo applications
bin/composer run reimport-example-apps

# Update the symbolic links
bin/console assets:install public --symlink --relative

# change the access rights and group of the files
sudo chmod -R ug+r /var/www/mapbender
sudo chown -R :www-data /var/www/mapbender

# You have to set write permission to var/cache and var/log.
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/var/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/var/log
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender/public/uploads

Update Example for Windows

# Download the new version http://mapbender.org/builds/

# Save the old version (files and database)

# Copy the configuration files (parameters.yaml and files from folder config/packages) to your new Mapbender version.
# You have to check the configuration files for changes (new parameter, other changes)

# Call the bin/console commands with php.exe
# You have to open a windows console to send the commands
cd mapbender

# Update your Mapbender database
php.exe bin/console doctrine:schema:update --complete --dump-sql
php.exe bin/console doctrine:schema:update --complete --force

# Import the mapbender demo applications
php.exe bin/composer run reimport-example-apps

# Export files to the web-directory
php.exe bin/console assets:install public

# Delete your cache and the logdateien at mapbender/var/cache und mapbender/var/log

# if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender/public/uploads
# if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version
# if you use your own print templates: copy them back to config/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/